Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I had my first appointment yesterday. The baby is growing well, and the heartbeat was strong. My blood pressure was through the roof though, so he put me on medication, and I have to go back in a week to recheck it. They ran some tests to make sure it is not toxemia, so please pray that it is NOT cause I don't want to end up on bed rest. I'm praying that it is just because of stress from work. The medicine is working and it lowered my blood pressure back to normal. He said if the medicine doesn't work he will up it next week, but I think it is working. I'll be sure to post another update when we find out what is going on. At least now I know why I have been feeling so bad! :-) Thanks for all the prayers!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Friday, April 11, 2008

Zoo trip

Today was Jon Michael's last field trip for kindergarten. So both Jonathan and I took off of work and made it a family event. Here are a few pictures from today. I only have time to post a few and will post more on another day. :-)

Saturday, April 5, 2008

New pictures