Monday, October 27, 2008

First tooth pulled

Jon Michael finally pulled his first tooth today:-) Of course he did it during class:-) He's so proud. Now the toothfairy will have to pass at our home for the first time tonight.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Recent pics

We are all moved in and settling in our new home. The kids are in heaven having their own back yard:-) They leave a ring around the tub every night:-) It is such an awesome blessing! A year ago we never would have imagined being in our own home today! God is so good! We are still waiting on the arrival of our baby. I've been 1 cm for a week now and have had lots of days with really bad contractions, but they go away:-( I have 3 weeks left. If he can wait till next week we will feel more comfortable. (plus my dr. will be back in town..he's been out all this week) I'm going to try to get back into posting. It has been crazy:-) Here are some pics of the kids playing in the back yard:

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Words of wisdom for the day from Jon Michael

"God can hear everyone praying at the same time. It's like He has 2000 ears!"