Saturday, June 21, 2008

This evening's sunset

We looked out of our window and saw an eerie glow, so we ran onto the front porch, and this is what we saw. Gorgeous! God was showering us with His love! On the other side of our porch was a rainbow:-) But I didn't get pictures of it, I was stuck staring at this side:-)


caryn said...

I saw this sunset too... it was after that really wild (albeit short) storm that raged through town on Saturday evening. The sky was mesmerizing. I could barely keep my eyes on the road to drive home!!! Great pics. You captured it so well.

Heather said...

thanks Caryn! It was a gorgeous evening!! I just had to get my camera! The glow that was coming through the living room window was so crazy! I was like "whats going on outside?!?!" I'm glad I went check;-) Hope you are doing well!!!

caryn said...

Maybe that'll be how it is when Jesus returns... we'll all be like, WHAT is up with the SKY? And we'll all go outside and see Him in all his blazing glory. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wish we could order some of THAT up right about now!!!